

I was shopping the other day in the Mega Mart here in Cabo San Lucas when I came across a bright yellow panty display in their intimates department. At first I was confused. It was the only fixture merchandised with a single color and certainly it was very bold.  And then I remembered a bit of trivia told to me several years ago: in Latin countries, yellow underwear is a … Read More

Perfect Gifts ~ 8knots


Whenever I think of design perfection I think of my old friend and colleague Marcia Bayard with whom I worked for many years, first at Macy’s and later on at the Turkish based NAP, NY where we launched the Crabtree & Evelyn Sleepwear line together.  Our symbiotic relationship consisted as me, the merchandiser challenging design viability and cost and Marcia, the designer whose vision often outreached the current trends.  We … Read More

Always Splendid®

3105SW_741aI was rummaging through my daughter’s dresser drawers recently when I happened upon a bralette whose touch was so creamy smooth that I picked it up and asked her if this was the sample we had discovered a few years ago when sample shopping in Paris. But she said no; that it was, in fact, from Splendid®.  She’s a real Splendid® RTW fan, often lauding their amazing fabrics, … Read More


When I met Jane Woolrich some years ago, I was instantly drawn to her warmth, her vitality and particularly the sparkle in her eyes. I knew that I was in the presence of an enriched woman. Deeply passionate, Jane has always focused on productivity in lieu of publicity defining her character as well as her work ethic. Her lingerie designs are an excellent reflection of the trichotomy of the British … Read More


Sometimes I see lingerie that reminds me why I began this blog and the reason I opted to remain in this business many career years ago when I had the opportunity to move into other merchandising venues. It is because exquisite intimate designs are truly works of art.  The cost is not the issue; the collector invests in the value the piece promises for the future. The creator changes the … Read More

page-one1aEnsconced here in sunny Mexico, veteran north-easterner that I am, it is sometimes difficult for me to remember that the holidays are upon us. That’s not to say that there are no festivities, because of course there are. But one doesn’t really witness it from every direction quite like in North America.  However, a sure fact is the transformation that occurs nightly in Cabo San Lucas as the town becomes … Read More

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