
Practical Magic ~ Wacoal

d9bdc1f09d1099770b8fd890f0123b52My sister, Beth, is a terrific person and a great friend.  We grew up in the same house but we are nothing alike.  I tend to roam the edge looking at rainbows; she likes to stay on course preferring the pragmatic path. Several months ago I took her bra shopping.  Try as I might, there was no convincing her to buy a lacy European bra, which she did admire for … Read More

exhibitAN INTIMATE VISION: “Paris Je T’Aime ~ Midsummer Dream”

I have been in love with Paris as long as I can remember. Being here is a wish come true, and in July the city, minus a few locals, is as spellbinding as ever.  The trade fairs are over, but while stepping away from the trend forums, why leave the city? The month is bookmarked by two quintessentially French events, steeped … Read More

It is HOT in New York.  Long, languid, sultry days have left us wilting in their wake.  It feels like jungle stew and there hasn’t been much relief.    If we have to live in this torrid climate, a little provocative nighttime diversion would be nice.  Leave it to Betsey Johnson to design a summer sleepwear collection replete with exotic animals, tropical gardens and breezy light fabrics to provide a creative … Read More

footstool-(1)One of my oldest memories as a child, although slightly blurry, is visiting my grandparents for Sunday dinner at their summer home in Neponset, NY.  The house was a weather beaten 3 story clapboard with a wraparound porch anchored by giant blue hydrangea bushes and filled with rattan furniture, the casual beach décor of another time.  Everything inside and out was a testimony to their era, genteel and aged as … Read More

flashback-historical-appliques copyLINGERIE THAT LINGERS: “The Renaissance of Appliqué”

Putting together my last few posts it was hard not to see a distinct trend emerging, the revival of the appliqué.  I think handmade brands like Honeycooler and Knickerocker (both coincidentally from California) are pioneering some of the most innovative and inventively playful design. Then, I started to take note of more established luxury brands:  Carine Gilson and La Perla . … Read More

Happy Birthday America


“”Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.” ~ Louis D. Brandeis
“The United States is the only country with a known birthday.”
~ James G. Blaine 
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