From the moment of the opening ceremonies in Sochi throughout the past few days of mind-boggling athleticism, I am reminded of the extraordinary effort behind seemingly effortless achievements. The painstaking work required to perform at Olympic levels is often camouflaged behind the breathtaking results that the athletes achieve. A skater floats across the ice in perfect sync to the music; a skier catapults down a mountain at 65 miles an … Read More
One of the highlights of my trip to the Salon De Lingerie was my visit to the Empreinte lingerie stand, a virtual gallery of intimates transformed into art. It seemed as if I had finally gotten the museum job I had always craved in college and at the Musée D’Orsay in Paris, no less. In order to fortify the company’s commitment to their brand mission, that every style is a … Read More
My first encounter with Erica M was in Paris last year when she launched her brand of subtly erotic, luxury hosiery. Of course, based on my own legwear legacy, I was instantly intrigued but needed to wait out the fan fare for the viability the business. Coming about in 2014 with her 3rd collection of opulent leg art, Erica has added bodywear styles that challenge the bodysuit market with … Read More
The moment I saw this image of the b.tempt’d Sheer Desire bra and panty set, I had a flashback to my college days in Philadelphia. The bare wood floors and exposed brick walls against which the young model is sitting remind me of my first apartment shared with my boyfriend and some friends during our junior year at Penn. A renovated brownstone deep in the urban decay of what … Read More
Last year, Paris was all about the snow; unusual and dramatic. This year it was the rain. Perhaps I am being a bit politic but there was a palpable austerity in the air; a general aversion to the current administration. The wealthy are fleeing the city to avoid sledgehammer taxes leaving shops void of some of their tried and true customers. Nonetheless some things never change in Paris and all … Read More
Simone Perele
Although I did not manage to get to all the European lingerie brands, I feel strongly that without exception, they were dynamic and in many cases innovative. For certain I will be expounding on this perception at a later date, but the rich colors, delicate embroideries, airy laces and graphic designs on the bras and panties I saw at Empreinte, Prima Donna, Marie Jo, Lise Charmel, Epure, Simone … Read More