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For Curvy Girls

by Moira Nelson as seen on BralaMode

Bare Necessities Launches BarePlus for Curvy Girls Just Like Us!

Today, everyone in the Intimate Apparel industry is familiar with  But I grew up with them.  The company was around long before they were a dot com.  Initially, Bare Necessities was a well established family-run, brick-and-mortar retailer with a few boutiques in central New Jersey.  I remember them as the intimate … Read More

by  Jené Luciani

I was wondering how to wear these new trending shirts and dresses where the back is super low and most of it lace (so it\’s somewhat see-thru)! I want to wear these trends but I don\’t want to look inappropriate either!  Thanks. . . . Heather

That really depends in part on how ‘busty’ you actually are. Women generally under a C-cup can try this backless strapless Read More

Peace, Love, Lace & Lingerie

by Jacalyn Bennett

On this Valentine’s Day, please be good to yourself.    As the old adage says, home is where the heart is, and our hearts start with us.

Why do we not cherish ourselves?  Why, if we are not having a date with our boyfriend, lover, fiancé, husband, do we just wear that old bra and panties that no one else will see?  You are someone, and you must … Read More

BRIEF ALERT! Maison Close

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A Provocative French Brand Ices the Cake

Palais Voltaire from Maison Close as seen on Lingerie BriefsFrom the time I was a little girl, I was always just a little bit too interested in the icing on the cake.  Maybe that is why I have always had an eye for items that provide the show stopping moment in any production.  There is a time and place for everything, but Valentine’s Day is one … Read More

Big Things ~ Small Packages

by Jene’ Luciani

I am 32A and I love bras that make me look larger and sexier. What are the best brands that could resolve my problem?. . . Carla

There are plenty of great push-up bras for small-statured girls. The Little Bra Company is one of my favorites. I also love that on, you can search for bras BY size in a variety of brands…so if you look … Read More

Slow Down & Accept Yourself

by Margaret Shrum

Time is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. If we’re going to reclaim a life of feeling confident, sensual and empowered, we need to invest the time into accepting ourselves. Here are three steps to help you use your time to meditate and focus on feeling good inside:

Step One: Take 15 minutes each day to sit alone quietly and just breath. Just … Read More

by Rhea Cortado

photo by Bielmann/SPL, via

December and January is North Shore season in Hawaii. Without getting too technical, it’s when winter storm swell collides into the north side of the Hawaiian islands, waves are famously huge and that’s when all the big surf contests happen. I’ve been following the flesh and glory on surfing blogs, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Fans and pundits may disagree on many things … Read More

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