
Among my favorite clothes are things that are just plain comfortable, my J. Crew sweats, my B.C. fleece hoody, and my 7 year old paddock boots, for example.  They are cozy, the first items I “go to” when I want to relax.  Long plane trips, 12 hour days devoted to my keyboard, or just managing an onslaught of family errands, I refuse to sacrifice physical solace.  For many other women, … Read More

BRIEF ALERTS! else Lingerie

This week’s Intimate DiscoveryA Valentine’s Day Treat

A few weeks ago, when I was at the Paris show, I had the opportunity to meet Ela Onur, the talent behind else Lingerie, an exquisite collection of handcrafted designs made in rich, quality fabrics.  Anchored by the signature balconette bra and chemise, these are delicious intimates, worthy of satiating the most discerning appetite for luxury treats.  Carefully engineered to … Read More

Road to Rio: Lavit Lingerie

It is so gray outside.  Moods are morose.  Everywhere I turn, all I see is snow.  In the northeast we are on our 7th storm of the season.  Our woodpile is buried in an igloo of ice so profound we can’t tunnel through for fuel to fire the hearth.  We need some mental relief and I for one have always used my imagination to distract me from negative thoughts.  … Read More

BRIEF ALERTS! Spicy Garden

This week’s Intimate Discovery: Courageous Brands at Salon De Lingerie

Britta Uschkamp

Kiss Me Deadly

Nothing wets the appetite for creative thought quite like the Spicy Garden section at  The Salon De Lingerie and I for one love navigating this pool of design innovation in search of individual statements and unique style ideas.  There are a whole fleet of entrepreneurs to discover and I did a full scale analysis of … Read More

The Paris Shows

The natural style and artistic flavor that Paris exudes has always inspired my vision, as I am certain it has for other intrepid visitors.  For the past 25 years, the Lingerie shows, staged in this fashionable city have fertilized many American designs.  Mining these Expositions for information that will inform trends in the Intimate Apparel Business is a compelling challenge.  I am always searching for seeds of ideas, a color … Read More


This week’s Intimate DiscoverySalon De Lingerie and Interfiliere

I am back from Europe and my semi-annual foray to the Interfiliere fabric show and the Salon De Lingerie.  From Paris, where despite the chilly, wet weather, one still saw the quintessential French signature of elegance and color blooming on the city streets.  I returned here to a snow laden New York where the monochromatic beauty of an onslaught … Read More

Yin and Yang

Bougainvillea and cactus, ocean and desert, fishing skiffs and yachts, hummingbirds and whales, warm people and extraordinary privacy: On the southern tip of Baha California in Mexico, I have discovered a way of living that reflects the perfect balance of a very casual, but classy existence. We are building a home in Cabo San Lucas, a place where escape is possible but a large and friendly expatriate community thrives. I … Read More

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