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Curvy Couture soft cup Cotton Luxe Wire-Free is breathable and irresistibility cozy. Featured on Lingerie Briefsby SUMMER ROSE BELTRAN

There’s an influx of bra-less posts during isolation on social media. The question is, how many of them are D+? We tried it and the results were not comfortable or liberating at all. Back pains ensued after 2 hours, I hated my posture, it just wasn’t good.

It’s important to keep somewhat of structure and routine when working from home – especially without a proper desk … Read More


Bedhead of Pot of Gold Pajamas in stretch organic cotton jersey as featured on Lingerie Briefs

We’re all adjusting to this strange new world we live in for the foreseeable future. Life has blended into one long blur of working from home, wearing stretchy pants and worrying about whether we can find the groceries we need at the store. We’re all wondering what happens when we run out of toilet paper. It’s a terrifying new world out there. Inside, it’s a family affair … Read More

Magnolia blooming in Stamford, Ct as featured o Lingerie Briefs

For the past 4 weeks, my only escape from confinement has been a long walk through my neighborhood watching the slow blooming of spring flowers. It’s a very different perspective to view our surroundings up front and personal in contrast to a normal drive by glimpse. The seasonal evolution doesn’t stop and nature is a mitigating vision during this difficult time. Everyday, I walk past this magnolia tree whose emerging … Read More

By ELLEN LEWISUrban MuuMuu long lounger as featured on Lingerie BriefsI was a comfort junkie long before the Coronavirus changed our wardrobe requirements.

While working at home on my computer, I realized that, perhaps, I should share the fact that I’ve been literary living in my Urban MuuMuu loungers. I own two: one long and one short. I must admit that they are several years old. But they are just as colorful, soft, and nurturing as the … Read More

Intimate Apparel Shops… You are invited to share your On-Line store HERE!

Lingerie Briefs Special offer to retail storesLingerie Briefs reaches over 300,000 monthly readers, followers and subscribers on our blog and social media. As a result, we have the unique opportunity to offer our on-line listing services to the Intimate Apparel Community. We will post on Instagram highlighting your on-line store including any link you request. We will also include you on our new … Read More


Kilo Brava Lingerie as featured on Lingerie Briefs

Given that “Tiger King” is the show entertaining the nation right now, it’s perfect (prrrfect) timing that we feature the brand Kilo Brava, whose headquarters is a handful of miles far from the infamous Carole Baskin’s Big Cat Rescue center AND their current loungewear collection features an original tiger print!  Clearly someone was channeling what was going to be big in 2020 (and really, who could … Read More

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