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Legoplast packaging for a green and sustainable future

The resounding success of the Italian packaging company Legoplast hasn’t come as a surprise. In the demanding global market, it takes a very special team of dedicated professionals, unmatched creativity, cutting-edge technology, and the latest trends in material science to thrive. 

“Customers around the world trust our packaging with the delicate task of protecting and promoting their products,” said Federica Mazzon, Sales Executive, Legoplast, during our Read More

by ASI EFROSChanty is a creator of fine 2-way stretch jacquardtronic, and textronic laces -featured on Lingerie BriefsFollowing a trail of the virtual bread crumbs through the dark forest, I finally reached a magnificent garden of gently knitted transparent patterns, enchanting colors, and natural yarns. For me, a lingerie designer by trade, this is how discovering this incredible company felt like. 

Chanty is a creator of fine 2-way stretch jacquardtronic, and textronic laces based near Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and a place of Read More


Demery Jayne lifestyle swimwear as featured on Lingerie Briefs

The Muse – Inner Freedom – Demery Jayne

Demery, a passionate world traveler, interlaces the idea of innate freedom into her awe-inspiring designs. They express her sun-kissed memories of exotic cultures and far away lands. Soaking the sun and the saltiness of the ocean water, Demery dreamed of her collection while feeling one with the universe. Wouldn’t you want to experience such inner freedom that transforms you Read More


Annette International as featured on Lingerie Briefs

The energy that is uniting like-minded humans over miles of land and sea, in the pursuit of common goals, is palpable.

Sharon Singer’s passionate story about the creation and evolution of Annette International grabbed my imagination and glued my ear to the phone. In an instant, the distance between California and New York City had disappeared.

“While developing our collections, we always give more to women in Read More


Karl Mayer Engineered lacy bralette and panty Engineered lacy bralette and panty

Rushing through my first cup of coffee I was dialing a number in Frankfurt, Germany. I managed to contain my excitement when Gabriela Schellner, Textile Development and Technologies specialist with KARL MAYER, greeted me on the other end of the line.

I first heard about KARL MAYER and their revolutionary warp-knitting technology (WKT) at CurveNewYork in a presentation by Jos Berry, … Read More


Rebil group leads on developing replacing plastic with OLEAGO as featured on Lingerie Briefss

The treasure hunt is one of my favorite activities. But instead of deciphering ancient scripts in search of the submerged brigantines I roam the halls of the trade shows around the world looking for hidden gems. The Premiere Vision Expo in New York in January of 2020 presented some of the most exciting discoveries.

REBIL Group debuted a collection of packaging items they created using a groundbreaking Read More

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